We're all in the aiport waiting for the first flight to Moscow! The team is so happy! We've got not just lots of ideas and thoughts about our further collaboration, we'll also bring Russian sparkling eyes, hot hearts and our strong belief that Friendship will make the world better!
youth exchange is the first step of school to school collaboration. We’re also
planning to publish books, make international video, and organize video
conferences together. Ole-club and
school “7 keys” are open for new ideas!
Russian team:
Alexandra Akeleva, Chelyabinsk, Russia
Sofia Semenova, Chelyabinsk, Russia
Alexander Afoniushkin, Chelyabinsk, Russia
Anastasiya Butalova, Chelyabinsk, Russia
Viacheslav Anosov, Chelyabinsk, Russia
Mikhail Gavlovskiy, Chelyabinsk, Russia
Alexander Druzhinin, Chelyabinsk, Russia
First evening - Day 1
We're in Charlotte now. All the students are sleeping sitting in the airport))) but we're all happy and waiting for the meeting with host families impatiently!
Team's opinion:
Sofia: "We were tired a
lot. But our friends met us with big love, it's really important for
me. The family is magnificent! I like all members! And tomorrow I'll go
with my host-sister at school! I am sure, that it'll so interesting! "
Alexandra A.: "The
day was great, I'm fine. I don't feel comfortable not to speak English well, but I think that day by day it'll be easier and easier, I came to
America to practise English and I'll do it!"
Anastasiya: "Today is the first day in America! All the people are very friendly, the teachers respect us, children are very nice to talk to! Today, we all played together in the park, and after that Iso well and happy"
Alexandra: "The day was successful we were at school visiting all the lessons, just great! Epiphany School is very beautiful school. I got closer to my host family. And what is more importantly is that I started improving my English!! Hurray!"
Sofia: "So, today spent the first day at school, and it was fun. I had Math, World History, Literature and Spanish. Teacher of Spanish said that I was good in pronunciation! Then we went to park "Union Point". I ate a lot of ice cream and drank Pepsi! We were playing soccer boys vs girls! After I went to church with my host family. I saw that Americans can cry and they are so proud of their country. At the end of the day I was playing basketball with my host sister and host father! That was pretty nice! "
Alexander A.: "The first day was exciting. I have met a lot of new people. I have learned some things about their life and about New Bern too. So I can say that it was really a fantastic day."
Mikhail: "Everything was OK. I was studying hard. The most interesting event of the day was literature lesson. We were talking about materialism and what we should do to become happy. The rest of the day consisted of chattering and having a fun."
Day 4 - 5 (weekend)
Team's opinion:
Day 2
Team's opinion:Anastasiya: "Today is the first day in America! All the people are very friendly, the teachers respect us, children are very nice to talk to! Today, we all played together in the park, and after that Iso well and happy"
Alexandra: "The day was successful we were at school visiting all the lessons, just great! Epiphany School is very beautiful school. I got closer to my host family. And what is more importantly is that I started improving my English!! Hurray!"
Sofia: "So, today spent the first day at school, and it was fun. I had Math, World History, Literature and Spanish. Teacher of Spanish said that I was good in pronunciation! Then we went to park "Union Point". I ate a lot of ice cream and drank Pepsi! We were playing soccer boys vs girls! After I went to church with my host family. I saw that Americans can cry and they are so proud of their country. At the end of the day I was playing basketball with my host sister and host father! That was pretty nice! "
Alexander A.: "The first day was exciting. I have met a lot of new people. I have learned some things about their life and about New Bern too. So I can say that it was really a fantastic day."
Mikhail: "Everything was OK. I was studying hard. The most interesting event of the day was literature lesson. We were talking about materialism and what we should do to become happy. The rest of the day consisted of chattering and having a fun."
Team's opinion:
Alexandra: "Everything is super! I can speak English, I'm very happy about it, It's great that I have got the opportunity to visit America! This town is very interesting. It's so beautiful and very clean here"
Mikhail: "Everything was as it was written in the plan. In the first part of the day I was in school. Then I was preparing for dinner at plantation and were relaxing. All the rest of the day I spent at plantation. There I was talking a lot and my mood was wonderful."
Mikhail: "Everything was as it was written in the plan. In the first part of the day I was in school. Then I was preparing for dinner at plantation and were relaxing. All the rest of the day I spent at plantation. There I was talking a lot and my mood was wonderful."
Day 4 - 5 (weekend)
Sofia: "So, today was the day of shopping! I bought some clothes! I am so happy! Then we went to restaurant "Bobs events" and I ate the biggest burger in my life!!!!! After restaurant we were watching movie "The untouchables" and eating ice cream! By the way, I like American ice cream! "
Alexandra: "Today I was in a museum, then went shopping it was very cool! In America there are so beautiful streets and houses, I communicated without an interpreter, and even started thinking in English .Thank you very much Olga for it! She taught me so much"
Alexander A.: "On Saturday we were on Patric's board. I think it was great. At the beginning of our trip we went down the river to see the nature. It was amazing , there was some trees that grew into the water, I had not seen it before. After that we went to New Bern down town.There was some kind of a festival, so it was a show on the stage, frankly speaking I could not understand that))). My favorite part of the day was evening, because we watched a film. I liked it. On Sunday we were at the church. I think it is always interesting to learn about new traditions but it was really unusual. After that we went to a stadium to watch a baseball match but Jeffry's team had only a training that day and we had no chance to watch a match(((. At the end of the day we visited Molly's Granny. I think it was the greatest part of the day because we had a party and spent a whale of time there!"
Final Video - Russia Epiphany Exchange Fall 2013
Alexander A.: "On Saturday we were on Patric's board. I think it was great. At the beginning of our trip we went down the river to see the nature. It was amazing , there was some trees that grew into the water, I had not seen it before. After that we went to New Bern down town.There was some kind of a festival, so it was a show on the stage, frankly speaking I could not understand that))). My favorite part of the day was evening, because we watched a film. I liked it. On Sunday we were at the church. I think it is always interesting to learn about new traditions but it was really unusual. After that we went to a stadium to watch a baseball match but Jeffry's team had only a training that day and we had no chance to watch a match(((. At the end of the day we visited Molly's Granny. I think it was the greatest part of the day because we had a party and spent a whale of time there!"
Day 6 - Ocean Tour
Team's opinion:
Alexandra: "Today we were
in an Aquarium.There was very interesting. All the fishes were very
beautiful and special. Then we had a boat trip, the ocean was amazing, I took many photos. When we went shopping I laughed a lot and were
happy. In the evening I moved to a new family. My new family has a very beautiful house, I like all families, I am very glad that they hosted me."
Alexander A.: "On Monday we were in Aquarium. It was really cool because there were a
lot of different types of fish, snakes and turtles. some fishes were huge
and some were poisoned. I think it was great. After that we were on the
island and we were walking on the beach for some minutes. It was great too but there were a
lot of sand in my boots))).
At the end of our trip Olga the teacher, Sonya and me were on a radio show. They asked us some questions, they were not very difficult so it was a pleasure for us answering them. I think it was an excellent day! Thanks all the organizers"
Day 7
Team's opinion:
Alexandra: "Today it was one more great day. We were in elementary school, we were talking about Russia and about Chelyabinsk, I was taking pictures. I would like to study here! These days I did a good jobI Though missing my first host family, I really like a new family too. I really want to host them all in Russia too!Thank you very much, Olga, for giving me such a chance of visiting Epiphany Friendly Family."
Day 8
Team's opinion:
"Today we were in another city, we visited Oakwood Public school. I was at the lessons and it was so hard to understand people there, but we drew a lot there so it was interesting. In the evening I came home late and I was very tired but so happy. I will work all the year hard to come here again!"
Alexander A.: "On Wednesday we were at Oakwood high school. It was realy interesting . We had Math, English, Chemistry and IT and lunch there. It was easier than before to understand people. We had definitly interesting English lesson, their teacher gave us very usefull information, so it was great. At the end of the day we went shopping. At home it was friendly atmosphere. I want to thank my host families for their kindness and patience. It was good day. "
Day 9 (museums)
Day 10
At the end of our trip Olga the teacher, Sonya and me were on a radio show. They asked us some questions, they were not very difficult so it was a pleasure for us answering them. I think it was an excellent day! Thanks all the organizers"
Day 7
Alexandra: "Today it was one more great day. We were in elementary school, we were talking about Russia and about Chelyabinsk, I was taking pictures. I would like to study here! These days I did a good jobI Though missing my first host family, I really like a new family too. I really want to host them all in Russia too!Thank you very much, Olga, for giving me such a chance of visiting Epiphany Friendly Family."
Day 8
"Today we were in another city, we visited Oakwood Public school. I was at the lessons and it was so hard to understand people there, but we drew a lot there so it was interesting. In the evening I came home late and I was very tired but so happy. I will work all the year hard to come here again!"
Alexander A.: "On Wednesday we were at Oakwood high school. It was realy interesting . We had Math, English, Chemistry and IT and lunch there. It was easier than before to understand people. We had definitly interesting English lesson, their teacher gave us very usefull information, so it was great. At the end of the day we went shopping. At home it was friendly atmosphere. I want to thank my host families for their kindness and patience. It was good day. "
Day 9 (museums)
Team's opinion:
Day 10
Team's opinion:
Dear parents, students and friends, please, post your comments in Russian or in English here. It'll be very important for us.
Дорогая Ольга Юрьевна, Вы такая молодец, что так развиваете наших детей! Огромное спасибо! Дети счастливы и это главное! Фото супер! Видеоролик супер!
Мы вас любим!!!)))
Буталова Диана
Thanks a lot, dear Diana! We've really a long trip but today I've already seen some of the students and they're so happy! Hope they'll have not just lots of fun here but also learn more about ways of studying and communicating here! (sorry for English, there are no Russian letters on a keyboard)))
Лариса Семенова.
Уважаемая Ольга Юрьевна! Смотрю на свою дочь и понимаю, что чувствует она в эти минуты - сказка, непонимание, что все это происходит с ней наяву.Я благодарна Вам, что вы предоставили Соне возможность получить этот опыт, незаменимую практику и увеличить интерес к английскому языку. И еще, спасибо за большую ответственность, которую возложили на себя, взяв наших детей в такую дальнюю дорогу.
Thanks, Larisa!
You're so right, all the students (Russian and American) collaborate successfully. They have lots in common, they're all children)))Of course, it's a great language practice for Russian students but it's also a good life experience for them! Thanks all the parents who trust me!
We are so happy to have Nastia at our home! She is so pretty and sweet. Thank you for allowing us the chance to have her be part of our family!
Так здорово, что у наших деток появилась возможность познакомиться с ребятами на другой стороне планеты! Семьям, пригласившим наших деток, большое спасибо. Ольга Юрьевна, Вам отдельное огромное спасибо за наших дочек-сыночков, за ту ответственность, которую Вы взяли на себя. Ребятки, не забывайте оставлять свои эссе и фото на этой страничке, мы их очень ждем!)))
Татьяна Аносова
Hello Olga and kids,I hope you are having a lot of fun In America. Grab as much fun and experience as you can,and remember to share with all of us on your return. I love you so much and can't wait to see your happy faces again.))
Лариса Семенова.
Дорогая Ольга Юрьевна! Помогите, пожалуйста, через вас передать семье Тэффи и Фила большую благодарность! В своих письмах Соня пишет, что вся семья к ней очень внимательна и добра. Эти дни,проведенные в такой замечательной, дружной семье, конечно, для Сони будут незабываемы. Спасибо Тэффи и Филу за заботу о моей дочери!
Ольга Юрьевна, огромное спасибо за фото и видео. Это счастье для родителей видеть своих детей и всю команду веселыми и улыбающимися. Дети всегда заняты интересными делами, им некогда скучать. Для самых маленьких это путешествие без родителей на другой континент настоящее приключение!!!!! Впечатления на всю жизнь! И осознание важности этого школьного предмета. Удачи и отличного настроения! Спасибо за все))))
We are truly enjoying our time with our new Russian friends. I love to hear Sasha telling us about his school and city (especially his enthusiasm about the architecture). He has been a joy to have in our home!
What a joy it has been to spend time with Olga and the Russian students this week. We have enjoyed having them at The Epiphany School of Global Studies and look forward to our continued friendship!
Slava has been a wonderful young man to have as part of our family. He is so sweet and so funny--always smiling and laughing. He has fallen in love with Vader (our dog) and spends time petting him while he and Tyler play games. Our hearts are so full of joy for this experience and truly feel Slava is now a part of our family. Thanks for teachig us Russian at the dinner table. I know we weren't the best students. He (and all the others) are welcome back any time. --Christy, Rick, Tyler and Vader.
What an absolute joy it has been to have Slava as part of our family. We have laughed for 10 days! He is such a joy to have in our home and we have thoroughly enjoyed having him. Slava will be an integral part of our family forever.
Dear families accepted my daughter Alexandra Akeleva to your places!
Thank you very much for your warmest hospitality and help in improving English.
Now our children are flying across the ocean and bring their brightest impressions.
I'm so glad that I have the opportunity to communicate with you.
I invite you to our place!
We will show you Russia in bright colors. Our country is rich in traditions and great in its history. You will like it, no doubt:)
Thank you very much!!!
Natalya Akeleva :-)
Hello, Natalya, Alexandra's Mother
Your daughter, Alexandra is so friendly. She has talked to all my students. We simply love her!
Best wishes and greetings from Romania!
Mirela, English teacher
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