American Winter Adventures

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Our travelling with Bekkie and Mary Carol.
On the 21st of January Nastya Tolstyh, Alexandra Deytina and Nikol Mara were with two american teachers from North Carolina/New Bern. We have visited the Organ holl and spend time in different cultural centres in Chelyabinsk.
I want to say, that it was wonderful! Bekkie saw snow the first time (she's from Florida)!
We played snowballs and all guests were so excited!
Also, when we drived a car teachers were singing different songs (of course we did it together)...
So, now I and Bekkie, and Mary Carol are good friends. We know about each other a lot! And I'm happy to meet them again in spring.
Thanks! I have practiced my English and it was an amazing day!

Alexandra Deytina, OLE-club, Youth leader