An important Certificate

My friends,
after the hard work of two weeks I've got a special Certificate. Now I'm waiting for the special eqiupment in order to start distant teaching сhildren with limited possibilities. I'm proud of it. Are there any courses or programmes in your country like this one?

First VC

 Dear friends,
We want to share our first experience of making VC! Today we've got an early morning VC with Lynn Rosen from New York, who answered lots of our questions. We were so curious, but our lovely Lynn were patient enough. It was a real pleasure for all of the 5th grade students, more over they decided to prepare special essays for Lynn about their own feelings during and after the international communication!

Training Course

Hello, everybody,
last two weeks were devoted to training course "Distant education for сhildren with the limited possibilities". My name was added to the list of participants and I started to learn all the ways of working with such group of students.Really there were many peculiarities of teaching invalids,but now I'm happy to get a chance of being useful for kids!

The charitable action «Many a little …»

Main Goal:     To collect means for the charitable fair in order to organize a winter youth international camp where aspects of such programs, as «Youth against hunger», «Children’s Rights», «Youth peace ideas» and youth international cultural exchange will be realized.
Children should communicate "eye to eye» to acquire such concepts as tolerance, mutual understanding, cooperation and FRIENDSHIP, to understand what an important part of this world they are!

Mascots travelling accross Europe

All year long, mascots will be sent from one school to another so they will discover other ways of life and cultures and will come back home at the end of the year with many souvenirs in their travel log to share with the pupils.